Full Replacement or Covered Over
or How overcladding can potentially mess up your roof.
This is a page I didn’t expect to write
You see although most people would agree that you really should not over-clad your wooden fascias and we probably take old over-clad installs off properties 5-6 times a year, it is difficult to know how long these so called cover boards have been on a house and therefore difficult to work out any deterioration caused directly by this process – in other words Evidence until now!
I had not reliased immediately when I followed up this customer enquiry, that I had quoted on this semidetached house before and as I always keep all my old quotations, looked this property up and sure enough, just under eleven years ago, I had been here before. The chap concerned however, knew that he was calling me back and explained that for one reason or another, he has accepted a laughably cheaper price from somebody else just to cover over his Fascia & Bargeboards and recalled when the so called installer came to do the job, they arrived on mass and spent just one morning covering his entire roofline over complete with some awfully spaced guttering to match. In fact the only bit that looked half decent, was a downpipe and that was only fixed in the correct position because they had used the old bracket holes in the wall.
Well fast forward to the three days it took us to repeat this work but this time taking the 2 existing layers off and you could immediately see the damage that had occured through having the original boards overclad, especially on the side of the house [the Bargeboards], which my pictures below concentrate on.
It does not take a expert to tell you that the wood underneath the plastic has been sweating underneath the thin plastic overclad boards and that we actually pulled most of these boards off by hand. The pictures below speak for themselves…
So in summary, although in certain situations – normally in lower areas, overcladding does have certain uses, it should not be used to quickly smarten up an entire house. If you are paying somebody to be at your property and working on your roofline, then they should be replacing it – not covering it.
And I think that is it!